Friday, November 11, 2011

Halloween Porch Pictures 2011

I love these pictures.  
They are the first of many Halloween Porch Pictures!

I loved squeezing this chunky butterfly!

Eva's triple scoop ice cream cone costume was made by her amazing Auntie Marie.
The night turned out perfect.  It was the last warm night of the year.


Jessica said...

Love the ice cream cone costume! Love your new hair. I want to watch The Importance of Being Earnest again, now that you've reminded me how great it is. And yes, I've gone and named my daughter Scarlett. Just like you. I hope your hard days are less and less frequent. Love you.

DinkyTown said...

adorable!! :) Thanks for the pictures!!

DinkyTown said...

that adorable comment was from me... Sarah! I'm signed into my ward account! haha!

sinika said...

Those are two of the cutest costumes I've ever seen! That fuzzy little butterfly suit is just perfect!

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