Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hard lesson day.

A few weeks ago my mom was cleaning out her storage room and gave me a box full of treasures she thought I would like.  Some of the things were old clothes from when I was little, a brick from the theater where the premiere for Gone With the Wind was held (it burned down), a pin cushion that her mom made with pins in it that have been untouched since she died, flour sack towels embroidered by my grandma or great grandma etc, etc.

Some of the things that Eva loved were a Scarlett O'Hara Madame Alexander doll, a porcelain Snow White, a porcelain little girl with a pretty dress on, and a very old porcelain Mickey Mouse.

Today I finally unpacked the box.  I decided that I wasn't going to just let these things sit in a box and that I would use the dresses and towels and enjoy them.  I threw the towels and clothes into the wash and proceeded to find a place to display the special treasures.

Eva saw these things again and got very excited and wanted to play with them.  I explained how they were glass and very special and that she must be very gentle with them.
I watched her with them and she was so cute and very careful and gently put them all on her froggy book and talked to them and told the girls how pretty they were.

Here is the pretty little girl.  You lift her up and you can store little treasures beneath her.
She was my grammy's.

A little while later I asked Eva if she wanted to water the flowers with me.  She said yes and we went outside.  As I started to water she informed me she would be right back.  It was a gorgeous day and Scarlett and I were enjoying the sunshine and then I heard Eva crying from the side of the house.  I walked around to find her and this is what I found...

...and Eva had huge tears running down her cheeks.  She kept wailing,"Fix her dress, Momma, fix her dress."
Poor little Snow White.  I gave Eva a hug and explained that I couldn't fix it, that Snow White was glass and that she was broken.  This is when I realized that though I explained that Snow White was glass Eva didn't know what that meant.  Well, now she does.  I was very relieved it wasn't the pretty little girl because it is more precious.

I consoled Eva for a little bit and we went inside to lay down and watch a movie.  She wanted to hold Pretty Little Girl.  I explained again that she needed to be very careful.  She sat for a while watching the movie so I quickly went outside to pick some lettuce.  All of a sudden I heard Eva crying again.  I sprinted toward her thinking,"Crap, Pretty Little Girl is broken".  Eva was walking all over looking for me holding Pretty Little Girl with one hand.  At any moment the base could just slip and she would be broken too.  I got to her just in time.  Obviously, Eva did not learn but seriously neither did I.  What was I thinking??  It would have been my fault if Pretty Little Girl had been broken.

So all calms down and I go to look in the wash and I have dyed all my precious embroidered, flour sack towels pink.  


mushbelly said...

lol - this post is so funny. I love that little Evakins. Isn't there something you can throw in with the wash to take the pink out? I swear I've seen a commercial for something like that.

sinika said...


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