To top off the wonderful events going on in my life I have an eye infection.
I wish it was just good old pink eye but it's not.
It is good old herpes.
Yes, I have herpes in my eye.
I have sores on my cornea people!
I have no idea how I got it but the first time I got it was about 12 years ago and it reoccurs every now and again. I think it is stress induced this time.
It is extremely painful and very sensitive to light.
Don't worry, I am on medication and closing my eyes a lot.
As an added bonus I must wear my glasses for 10 days and try not to wear makeup so as not to cross contaminate. Yay!
Here is the only good picture I could get of me and my glasses.
Basically I do not look good.
And my forehead looks gigantic!
I think I will wash my hair tonight so I can wear it down tomorrow.
Feel free to make Harry Potter jokes but please know I have probably heard them already.